Contact Us

Questions or comments,
we are happy to serve you.

      Can’t find what you are looking
      for? Reach us at

      • Office, 162, Dubai Textile City, Al Awir, P.O. Box 51638 Dubai, U.A.E
      • +971 4 3649675
      • 9:00 am - 6:30 pm Sunday Closed

      Head down to our design studio at DTC, and get a hands on experience with our in-house designers to help you make the right choice of fabrics. We will be happy to take you through our entire range of collections, while you sip on an espresso.

      • Studio 20, Dubai Textile City, AI Awir, P.O. Box 51638 Dubai, UAE
      • +971 4 3649675
      • 9:00 am - 6:30 pm Sunday Closed

      For buying our exclusive products, kindly visit a nearest registered dealer. For recommendations, please submit your details as below: